What Is A Crisping Plate in A Ninja Foodi?

What Is A Crisping Plate in A Ninja Foodi?

If you love air crisp food, one of the best kitchen appliances we can confidently recommend you to invest in is the Ninja Foodi. Generally, this is a pressure cooker, slow cooker, and air fryer all in one.

As a newbie, you might be asking yourself: what is a crisping plat in a Ninja Foodi? A Ninja air fryer is made of several parts. Some of them are removable, while others are not. The common ones are a crisper basket and a crisper plate. Stay here with us if you are wondering what a crisping plate in a Ninja Foodi is. We will give you clear information about this crisper plate and many more.

What Is A Crisping Plate?

A crisping plate is an air fryer accessory that nests in the air fryer basket and has a major role in crisping food. This is made possible by its design. It has a handle design to make removing it from the frying basket easier as you cook.

It features a nonstick coating to prevent food from sticking. You can use the plate to make onion rings, pizza, steak, French fries, chicken and fried vegetables.

The crisper plate comes with PFOA and PTFE- free. Use this crisper plate for healthy, fat-free cooking. Since it is nonstick coating, you don’t need to use metal balls or hard abrasive cloth to wash it. Food comes out easily from Ninja Foodi crisper plate.

What is a crisping basket in a Ninja Foodi?

The crisping basket in a Ninja Foodi is a designed basket great for air frying. The basket is made with a ceramic coating that is dishwasher-safe and nonstick. Additionally, the basket has a removable divider which allows you to cook several items at once.

Since it is not a traditional air fryer basket, you can steam and also pressure cook by using it. It has rectangular or round holes according to the model and brands that allow proper air circulation.

Ninja Foodi Crisper Plate Vs Basket, What’s Difference

As we said, Ninja Foodi appliance has two major cooking accessories. The basket and the crisper plate. Even though both serve in cooking, they have some differences. For easier and quick understanding, use the comparison table below.

 Ninja Foodi Crisper PlateNinja Fodi Basket
FunctionCrisp foodCook food evenly
Examples of foods it cooksFrench fries and chicken wingsStew and soup
Must be usedNoYes
ShapeFlat dishCylindrical-like
PositionNests inside air fryer basketNests at the bottom of the inner side of the air fryer
Dishwasher safeYesYes

Difference between removable basket and tray

There are two major air fryer types: tray and basket. Therefore, which type is better between the two of them? Basket air fryers are more compact and have a capacity of 2-3 quarts. Also, they are easier to clean since they are removable. On the other hand, basket air fryers are noisy and do not evenly circulate heat as the tray air fryers do.

The tray air fryers are larger and have a capacity of 4-5 quarts. Furthermore, they are more energy-efficient because they circulate heat excellently. Tray air fryers are not removable. Hence, you can be sure they are a bit challenging to clean.

From the above, the exact product to choose is dependent on your needs. For example, if you wish to have a compact air fryer that you can easily clean, it is worth going for a basket air fryer. But, a tray air fryer is the best if you want a larger and more energy-efficient air fryer.

How do you use the Ninja Foodi crisper plate?

If you have never used Ninja Foodi, you may not know how well it is used, especially if all the accessories are apart. The crisper tray is made of food-grade materials. Therefore, you don’t have to be worried about hazardous chemicals. But how can you use the Ninja Foodi crisper plate?

The crisper’s tray legs should sit on the ledges at the base of each groove to allow the tray to remain elevated in the pipe, placing the crisper at the bottom.

How do you get the crisper plate out of a ninja air fryer?

After using your Ninja Foodi, it is a must you clean it. Doing this ensures your appliance lasts longer and the food outcomes are perfect. You cannot wash this essential kitchen tool perfectly without disassembling some parts like the air fryer basket and plate. Gladly, it is easier to get the plate out. Following are the steps involved.

  1. Allow the basket and the crisper to cool after use.
  2. Place the basket on a flat surface.
  3. Grip the basket handle with one hand while the other grips the small handle in the middle of the crisper plate.
  4. Lift the crisping plate straight up.

When should I use crisper plate in Ninja air fryer?

 A lot of debate is out there surrounding the air fryer. Some claim it is a miracle appliance capable of doing anything. On the other hand, some claim it is a glorified countertop convection oven. The greatest question people have concerning air fryers is when should I use crisper plates in Ninja air fryers?

The answer is that it is not mandatory to use a crisper plate when using the Ninja air fryer. But, you have to use it if you want to cook delicious crispy recipes. The major role of the crisper plate is to circulate hot air around the food. By so doing, food is evenly cooked from all sides while the food is crispy.


If you have never used a Ninja Foodi, it is normal not to know some of its parts. Hopefully, this article has clearly answered your question on “what is a crisping plate in a ninja Foodi?”.

To make life easier for you, the guide has also given you the differences between a crisping plate and a basket in a Ninja Foodi. We did this after realizing a lot of people did not know to differentiate them. Now use this crisper plate and enjoy your crispy delicious food.

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