How To Change Cosori Air Fryer From Celsius To Fahrenheit?

How To Change Cosori Air Fryer From Celsius To Fahrenheit?

Cosori air fryers have different functions and settings. I’m assuming that your model has 11 digital functions, including Steak, Preheat, Dessert, Bread, Vegetables, Poultry, and many more.

The Celsius/Fahrenheit degrees adjustments can give you a headache. It even becomes more confusing if the included recipes are in Celsius degrees and vice versa.

But nothing there should toss you around. You can easily change the Cosori air fryer from Celsius to Fahrenheit degrees with these easy 1-2-3 steps. 

Step 1:  

On display, you will find digital buttons, including the Temp/Time. Pin and hold the Temp button for about three seconds until your air fryer beeps.


The temperature readings will change from Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius degrees. · 

Step 3:

Switch back from Celsius degrees to Fahrenheit degrees by repeating the same process.


What if the temp/time is blank?

That’s more complicated! Your air fryer could be malfunctioning. But do not always assume that!

  1. Check for power disconnection.

You might be found a problem with the power connection to your device. A tripped socket or junction can make your display switch off abruptly while you are in the cooking process.

Other programs follow heating stops and the temperature/time function. So, you will have to check power in any of the above areas and repair where possible. Once you ensure the connections are working, your air fryer display should resume its functions, including Temp/Time.

  1. Is your temperature/time function working alright?

Malfunctioning in the temp/time control may leave your Cosori air fryer not displaying the Celsius/Fahrenheit degrees. If the rest of the display is working right, only this button fails.

Contact the Cosori air fryer manufacturer or get qualified personnel to inspect it. They will guide you appropriately regarding the mishap.

  1. Aging gadget

Air fryers do have a lifespan. That also counts your Cosori air fryer in that category. The Temp/Time could be failing because your air fryer is now old and failing.

You may have noticed other programs failing too. It could be a perfect time to set your old air fryer free and bring in modern equipment that doesn’t keep on failing. 

  1. Dead heating element

If the coil is dead, your device will not heat no matter how long it stays in position. Your Cosori air fryer will blow cold air and leave your Temp/Time reading at a low reading that does not increase. It could stick at 40 degrees Celsius/105 degrees F. A replacement of the heating coil will show rising temperatures up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. 

How Do You Change The Temperature On A Cosori Air Fryer?

Most places like North America have their temperature readings in Fahrenheit degrees. But you may still find your appliance reading in Celsius degree. That’s not a difficult situation to worry about.

Cosori Air Fryer will take you seconds to change the readings to Fahrenheit or as you wish. Long press your time/Temperature button until you hear a ring. Your temperature will automatically change from Celsius to Fahrenheit degrees.

Read more: How To Change Air Fryer From Celsius To Fahrenheit?

Wrap up

The internationally acceptable temperature reading for all air fryers and other heating gadgets is Celsius/Fahrenheit degrees. That means your Cosori air fryer came with both readings.

All you need to know how to change to your convenient and comfortable reading is a long press of the temp button until you hear a ring. The temperature has already changed from Celsius to Fahrenheit degrees or vice versa.

Is it not possible to change your air fryer from your preferred degrees readings? Something is amiss! Consult your user manual as the process may differ from your model. If still not resolved, call your Cosori air fryer dealer or manufacturer.

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