How To Bypass Washing Machine Water Level Sensor

How To Bypass Washing Machine Water Level Sensor

In recent times, washing machines have been transformed into high-technology and more efficient appliances. High-efficiency laundry washers are now popular in many households, especially those with sophisticated energy and water-saving properties. The appliances have built-in detectors that help manage the water levels for you automatically.

Water Levels Sensor

Unlike the old models, high-efficiency (HE) washers detect your laundry loads and determine how much water is required for a particular wash cycle. The objective is to reduce both water and energy consumption. The water levels sensor functionality is a plus for you. It helps keep your monthly utility bills lower hence saving you on cash.

How Does A Washing Machine Water Level Sensor Work?

The sensor is an automatic feature that selects water levels for your laundry load. It uses a pressure switch to sense the water levels in the washer drum.

In some washers, these sensors do not give you an option for manual control, so you must learn how to operate your washing machine. We will find out here how washing machine water level sensor works;

The wider end of the hose is connected to the bottom of the tub, and the thinner end is to the switch control. When the water levels in the washer drum rise, it also rises in the hose. Some air is trapped inside.

When the water in the hose rises, the air gets compressed. That increases pressure inside the hose and presses on a piston inside the switch control.

The switch senses and automatically stops the water from flowing into the tub. That’s a little physics but don’t worry about the technical terms. You will understand deeper how this works more as you read more.

How Do You Fix An Unbalanced Washing Machine?

Sometimes, the water levels sensor may not function as desired. You just found out that it’s too low or too much for your laundry load. That may prompt you to repeat the washes cycles for cleaner laundry! Other times, the water is in excess and will make your dry clothes too wet. Don’t worry about this. It’s an easy fix.

Our team of experts has researched several methods for you to deal with that. Each method has straightforward steps on how to adjust water level on washing machine. They are also easy steps on how to bypass washing machine water level sensors. Find out how to do that below;

1. Adjustments On The Water Level Control

How do I adjust the water level in my washing machine? This is very easy. Here’s how to go about it.

Step 1: Identify and inspect the Water Level Switch

Different machines have water level switches placed in different locations, but in most cases, they will be in your washer’s dashboard. To distinguish the water levels switch from other switches, the function has a rubber tube running from the switch down to the side of the drum.  

Step 2: Adjust The Set Screw Pressure

While on the dashboard, adjust the water level controls for the cycle. Be sure that the drainer hose is above the maximum water levels in the drum; otherwise, it will siphon water from the drum and leave it at the lowest level.

Step 3: Tighten the spring-loaded disk

Using a screwdriver, adjust and tighten the spring-loaded disc inwards. This step increases the maximum water levels and helps you to bypass the water sensor.

Step 4: Fasten the set screw

Do this using thread locker glue to fix the set screw in place. That will ensure it doesn’t become loose when the machine vibrates.

2. Trick Your High-Efficiency Washer.

How do you trick a high-efficiency washer? The reasoning behind this is to balance your washer with the laundry load. It is an easier method how you can bypass washing machine water level sensor.

To strike a perfect balance, you can trick the washer’s water levels switch. That will bypass the laundry machine water levels sensor and increase to a sufficiently required level. There are two means you can trick a high-efficiency washing machine;

Make the laundry load bulkier.

 The bulkier the laundry load, the more effective the spinning. In short, add old clean towels with like colors into your load to make it bulkier.

Make the clothes in the wash drum heavier.

To achieve a heavier load, spout in two pints of water on the clothes. When the clothes are wet, they become heavier. The increased density will pressure the switch, which in turn, will trigger water levels to rise.

3. Installing An Alternative Water Hose

This method works best for a top-loading washing machine. It eliminates the purpose of the malfunctioning water level sensor and helps you to bypass that. You will require a six feet water pipe, pipe caps, and a splitter with outlets.


  • Turn off the machine’s cold and hot water taps.
  • Using the screw on the main splitter, connect it to the cold or hot water taps.
  • Attach the normal wash cycle water pipe to one splitter’s outlet.
  • Fix the six feet pipe to the other splitter’s outlet.
  • Open the fixed pipe using the spigot at the splitter just when the tub fills to the desired level.

4. Utilize A Bulk Option

When using smaller laundry loads, use the bulk option to ensure the dirty clothes are thoroughly washed with sufficient water. That balances your tub and helps to bypass the washer’s water level sensor.

5. Select The Water Level Option

Many people overlook this option. In most machines, it’s right next to the extra rinse cycle on the washer’s control panel.  If the water level option doesn’t work effectively, you can combine that with the extra rinse option.

Turn your water level mark to the maximum level to allow an extra rinse.  If these two fail to function, you have all the above tricks to get sufficient water into your washtub.

Modern washing machines are indispensable. They clean laundry fast and efficiently. With a high-efficiency washer, you are equipped several sensors that perform effectively using less energy and water. You can conveniently wash without having to worry about how water will be controlled.

The machine controls the water levels automatically; however, drawbacks always happen in most cases where a washer has no option to stop the water level sensor. The machine will not clean effectively. It will either have little or excess water. 

You now understand how the water level sensor works. With three tips on your palm, you already know how to bypass washing machine water level sensor.

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