Power XL Vortex Air Fryer 5 Qt Vs 7 Qt! Differences & Which Is The Best?

Power XL Vortex Air Fryer 5 Qt Vs 7 Qt! Differences & Which Is The Best?

Are you looking for a great crisping power and versatile air fryer? The Power XL vortex 5 qt or 7 qt models are the perfect ovens to go for. In my research, I have tried both air fryers and found that they operate with sophisticated turbo-superheated hot air.

This mechanism cooks your fries and other foods to maximum doneness and crispiness. And though these two air fryers are close Power XL contenders, they are distinct.

The major differences between the Power XL vortex air fryer five qt vs 7 qt are the capacity, weight, size, and price. In a real sense, one is larger than the other, with the Power XL Vortex 5 qt air fryer holding less food in its cooking chamber than the 7 qt.

Both are Vortex brands, come with the same presets (10), have the auto shut-off feature, and operate through the touch control method. There are more details about these two Power XL Vortex air fryers. But first, let’s go through the comparison chart below.

Comparison Chart: Power XL Vortex Air Fryer 5 Qt Vs 7 Qt

Key FeaturesPower XL Vortex Air Fryer 5 QtPower XL Vortex Air Fryer 7 Qt
Capacity5qt (4.73 Liters)7qt (6.62 Liters)
Presets 1010
Auto shut off
Digital display
Color BlackBlack
Control methodTouch Touch
Turbo cyclonic hot air circulation
Non-stick coating
Size 10” x 8” x 8” 16” x 13.5” x 13.5” 
Weight14.02 pounds11.77 pounds
Ratings 2,282 (4.6 out of 5 stars)2,282 (4.6 out of 5 stars)
Cook book
PriceCheck price on AmazonCheck price on Amazon

Power XL Vortex Air Fryer 5 Qt Reviews

Power XL Vortex Air Fryer 5-qt40
  • Presets: french fry, steaks, fish, shrimp, pizza, chicken, baking,...

My first air fryer to test was the Power XL Vortex 5 qt. I got it at one of the best sellers, so it is a readily available air fryer. Also, I’m glad to inform you that this is value for money as it is one of the most powerful and best-selling air fryers in the U.S. The brand boasts over a decade and a half of establishing and manufacturing quality and reliable products.

The unit comes with a 5 qt basket. I could pack in 1.5 pounds of frozen French fries with this capacity. I also realized that the size can fit 6 servings of chicken wings and 0.25 pounds of hamburgers. Depending on the portions or servings, you can comfortably serve two to four people. So, the air fryer is small and fits a small family unit. You can pick the 7-quart model for more chicken, fries, and prickles if your family is larger.

I tested the preheating time because it determines food’s crispiness and general doneness. This unit has a quick preheating time. It took me three minutes to preheat, which is way faster than most air fryers. With this quick preheating time, I had my prickles ready super-fast and faster than my regular oven could do.

You will like the Power XL vortex air fryer 5 qt intuitive controls. The various cooking programs, power buttons, temperature, time, scroll arrows, and other knobs are easy to identify. Also, the icons are large and straightforward.

In short, I would analyze the display and the controls as simple, initiative, and flawless. If you find yourself at a crossroads due to the many icons on this Vortex air fryer, consult the user manual. You can invest more time in this simple document before embarking on air-frying adventures.

After the testing session, I got all my goodies golden brown with an extra color than most air fryers I had tried before. There was no over frying or under frying; my rib roasts came out with a perfect brown. Lastly, cleaning the mess was a breeze. Thanks to the Power XL Vortex’s non-stick coating.

Key Features

  • 5 qt capacity (4.73 Liters)
  • 10 presets
  • Turbo cyclonic heating system
  • Non-stick coating
  • Plastic material
  • Weight: 14.02 pounds 
  • Size: 10” x 8” x 8”
  • Touch controls
  • Black 
  • Cook book
  • Digital display
  • Auto shut off


  • Golden brown outcome.
  • Power XL Vortex 5 qt is an easy-to-clean air fryer.
  • Simple controls.
  • Straightforward icons. 
  • Large basket for a small family of two or three.
  • Sleek appliance.
  • This Vortex is compact and fits well on any standard countertop.


  • The high-pitched beep sound at the end of the cooking time was a turn-off for me.
  • There was a plastic smell when I turned on the air fryer. This forced me to scrub the basket hard.
  • Vortex 5 qt is heavier than Vortex 7 qt.
  • The unit has a higher price tag than the 7 qt.
  • The dehydrator function is missing.

Power XL Vortex Air Fryer 7 Qt Reviews

PowerXL Air Fryer Vortex - Multi Cooker with...40
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  • 10 cooking pre-sets are one-touch easy for extra crispy air frying and...
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The Power XL vortex air fryer 7 qt is a twin to the 5 qt except for a few features, including the size, capacity, and cost. Like the 5 qt Vortex, the 7 qt is also a product of PowerXl company. The color, temperature range, turbo cyclonic heating system, controls, and display is similar. Other details include the presets (10), auto shut-off, and the plastic material. The cookbooks are also similar.

And as I have said, the most defined difference between this air fryer and the 5 qt is the capacity. The 7 qt is a big basket capacity air fryer that can fit 7 quarts or 6.62 liters of food. During the testing, I fitted five burgers. Also, a whole chicken fit in, and I could serve myself and 6 more adults. So, the air fryer is large. If you find it too large for your family, please opt for the five quarts Vortex air fryer. 

After testing the 5 qt Vortex, I looked forward to testing this unit, the 7 qt. So, I began with the controls. Like the previous model, this Vortex has touch controls that are straightforward and user-friendly. Though small, you can never confuse any icon for another as they are crystal clear.

The digital display shows accurate time and temperature. The default temperature is 400 F, so you have to set it according to your liking. Also, you can change the Fahrenheit degrees to Celsius degrees by pressing the temp button until the Celsius units show. While you do that, ensure that the air fryer is not running. 

I did realize that after turning the air fryer on, a plastic smell welcomed my nose. To be honest, that scared me because I know what it means to have a smelly air fryer. It might mean burning wires or fuse. Thank goodness that it was a mere odor due to its newness. After a good scrubbing of the basket, the smell cleared. The rest of the operation was smooth.

With the Power XL vortex air fryer’s simple manual, I could operate the unit flawlessly without much confusion. Also, my fries came out golden brown, crusty, and without any sogginess. And the worst part of the cooking came: cleaning up the mess! My fear was sticky and stained accessories.

To my surprise, cleaning the basket and other accessories was a breeze. I wiped the air fryer surface, in and out, without effort. The reason is that the Power XL Vortex 7 qt and all its accessories have a non-stick coating. 

Key Features

  • 7 qt capacity (6.62 Liters)
  • 10 presets
  • Plastic material
  • Turbo cyclonic heating system
  • Non-stick coating
  • Black
  • Weight: 11.77 pounds 
  • Size: 16” x 13.5” x 13.5” 
  • Touch controls
  • Cook book
  • Digital display
  • Auto shut off


  • Power XL Vortex is larger, thus perfect for larger families.
  • Space saver.
  • Easy to use air fryer.   
  • Clear digital display panel.
  • The air fryer has high recommendations.
  • Consistent airflow and cooking.
  • It cooks quickly.
  • Easy to clean up.
  • The unit is cheaper than the 5 qt with several dollars.


  • Missing dehydrator function.
  • Smells plastic when new.
  • Loud, irritating beep at the end of the cooking session.

Similarities: Power XL Vortex Air Fryer 5 Qt Vs 7 Qt

These two air fryers are from the same manufacturer and are of the same brand, Vortex. They share several features. Here is what I found out about the two Power XL units.


The brand name is the first similarity between these two air fryers. Though the dual is a product of PowerXL, they share the brand Vortex. The Power XL Vortex makes several models, including the 2 qt, 5 qt, 7 qt, 10, qt, etc. All these are quality air fryers with different capacities but similar functionalities.


These Power XL vortex air fryers have 10 presets. These cooking programs are inbuilt to help you accomplish the various menus and recipes. The above presets include French fries, fish, steaks, shrimp, chicken, pizza, roast, baking, dehydrator, and reheat. While compared with some of the air fryers in the market, these presets offer versatility. You can cook different foods. 

Auto Shut Off

The auto shut-off feature is crucial in an air fryer. Besides the safety side, you do not have to remember when to turn off the unit. I liked the feature in both air fryers because my food did not overcook. Also, when the machine shuts off automatically, it saves you on electric bills.

Cook Books

Air frying is not all about French fries. You can bake a cake or roast some pork ribs. All the possible recipes are in this Power Xl air fryer cookbook. The book offers various recipes’ exact ingredients, measures, temperature, and time. So, no more guessing when using any of these Vortex air fryers.


Both Power XL Vortex air fryers 5 qt and 7 qt are black. This color symbolizes sturdiness. Also, it does not stain and is easy to clean and maintain its appearance.


The material composition matters when selecting a kitchen appliance. These two gadgets share a common material: a sturdy plastic material. With this material, you might experience a plastic smell when you first turn on the unit. With thorough cleaning and regular use, the odor clears.

Turbo Cyclonic Heat 

The turbo cyclonic heating mechanism is a modern convection heating method. It is a system similar to that utilized by conventional ovens. The element produces heat while the fan circulates rapidly within the appliance. As the circulating hot air envelops the food, it cooks to a crispy finish and perfect doneness. The fast-moving air works at adjustable temperature depending on the type of food you are preparing.

Control Method

I discovered that the two air fryers’ control methods are touch. The unit does not have dialing or pressing knobs. You only need to touch the applicable button for the unit to respond. This interface is smooth and effortless. You do not have to struggle with turning buttons and cleaning under the knobs, which is teary.

Nonstick Coating

Best air fryers have safe nonstick coatings to prevent sticking, tearing, and burning. That’s an additional value to these two air fryers. Besides a nonstick surface, the cooking accessories have a coating.

It is, thus, easy to pour your favorite food over as it doesn’t stick to the basket. Also, there is no burning if you cook the right ingredients and set the right temperature and time. Cleaning up after cooking is also simple. No stains and hard scrubs.

Differences: Power XL Vortex Air Fryer 5 Qt Vs 7 Qt

I discovered three major differences between the Power xl vortex air fryer five qt and the 7 qt during the testing process. These are the capacity, weight, and dimensions. Let’s have a look;


Capacity or the food holding capacity remains the major difference between these two Power XL Vortex models. One air fryer is larger than the other. The 7 qt is larger and will cook food equivalent to or less than the capacity. That means the content you put in the basket cannot exceed 7 quarts or 6.62 liters.

But how big is this 7 qt capacity? This is a large air fryer as it fits a whole chicken weighing six pounds! I also measured how many chicken wings could go in the frying chamber. The 7 qt can hold ten of them.

This air fryer’s other quantities fit well, including ten egg tarts, 30 shrimps, and an 8-inch pizza. In other words, this air fryer can serve up to 8 people, thus making it suitable for large family meals or whenever you have gatherings.

On the other hand, the five qt is smaller and only enough for a small family of, say, two to three people. As I said earlier, I managed to cook 6 servings of chicken wings and 0.25 pounds of hamburgers. You can try small roasts and veggies. 


Ironically, the Vortex 5 qt is heavier than the 7 qt. The 5qt weighs 14.02 pounds while the 7 qt weighs 11.77 pounds. That was the least of my expectations, as I thought that the larger the appliance, the heavier it was. When deciding which appliance to buy, you may also need to consider other features such as the capacity and dimensions. That is, depending on your family size the space you will position your air fryer.  


The dimensions differ but match the size. That’s unlike the weight, where the larger air fryer weighs less. The Vortex 5 qt measures 10” x 8” x 8” while the 7 qt’s size is 16” x 13.5” x 13.5”. That’s a significant difference, especially if your countertop space matters. I discovered that the Vortex 5 qt is quite compact and great for RV and dorms where the area is an issue. The 7 quart is a bit larger and is suitable if you have a larger space, perhaps in a family house.

Verdict: Power XL Vortex Air Fryer 5 Qt Vs 7 Qt

The Power XL vortex air fryers 5 qt and 7 qt are great additions to your kitchen. They are versatile and can almost whip any meal for your family and friends. Other features, such as the brand, color, presets, heating style, material, and others, are similar.

When deciding the best pick, your major determinant will be the size. The dimensions and weight will follow in that order. In my opinion, I would go for the 5 quarter if my family is small, I am a student, or if I am buying it for RV use. In all the above setups, space could be an issue, thus requiring a small appliance. But if I am buying for home use where space is not a problem and for medium-sized family use, the 7 quarter fits the description. Over to you, and good luck.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is A 7 Qt Air Fryer Big Enough?

A 7 qt air fryer is big enough for a middle- to large family. The oven can serve up to 8 adults with ten chicken wings, ten egg tarts, 30 shrimp, and an 8-inch pizza. This capacity is also ideal if you are cooking for guests.

Is A 5 Quart Air Fryer Big Enough?

A 5-quart air fryer is big enough for a family of two to three. It cooks six servings of chicken wings and 0.25 pounds of hamburgers. You can try small pieces of roast and even dehydrated veggies. 

What Fits In A 7 Quart Air Fryer?

The 7-quart air fryer has a generous capacity that fits 2 pounds of nuggets or frozen fries, 6 servings of wings, three pork chops, or 0.25 pounds (4 oz) of hamburger patties. It can also fit 8 oz salmon filets.

How Many People Does A 5 Qt Air Fryer Feed?

The 5 qt air fryer feeds up to three adults. It can serve five children. However, the quantities depend on the portions and if there is a side dish. 

How Much Does A 5qt Air Fryer Hold?

 5 qt air fryer has an internal food holding capacity of 5 quarts. The unit can hold 1.5 pounds of chicken wings without overcrowding them. Also, it fits 1.5 pounds French fries.

What Can You Put In A 5 Quart Air Fryer?

The 5 qt air fryer is a small capacity unit with a basket that holds up to 3 to 5 quarts of food. This air fryer can cook veggies, meats, and side dishes. The air fryer satisfies up to three people as the basket is small.

Is A 5 Quart Air Fryer Too Big For One Person?

A 5 qt air fryer is too big for one person. The most ideal capacity is 2 quarts. With a 2qt air fryer, you can cook ten taquitos or 1 pound of French fries.