How To Remove Bowl From KitchenAid Artisan Mixer?

How To Remove Bowl From KitchenAid Artisan Mixer?

Are you asking yourself how to remove the bowl from your KitchenAid Artisan mixer after you are done with baking? Is your KitchenAid Artisan mixer bowl stuck? Be encouraged; this guide will help you know all that is required when and how to remove the bowl.

First, let us look at the different designs of KitchenAid Artisan mixers and how to remove the bowls; let us get to know the reasons why bowls are stuck in your mixers and how to prevent them:

Reasons Why Bowls Are Stuck In Your Mixers And How To Prevent:

  1. Trapping of food remains in the bowl-lift handles during the mixing of ingredients. To prevent this, always keep the mixer clean. Once done with mixing, switch off the mixer, unplug it and use a wet cloth to wipe and remove any mixer attachments. A pouring shield can also prevent the ingredients from splashing out while mixing.
  1. The bowl’s expansion due to excessive heat generation during mixing makes it challenging to come out. Never run the KitchenAid mixer more than the recommended time. Ensure that the starting speed is low as you increase it gradually.

We have two designs of KitchenAid mixer model and how to remove their bowls as shown below:

1. Tilt-head Stand Mixer:

We have shown you step by step process of how to remove its bowl: 

Step 1

Switch off and unplug your KitchenAid Tilt-head stand mixer.

Step 2

 Unlock the motor head by pushing the locking lever and lifting it.

 Step 3

Disattach the mixer from the beater shaft by pushing it slightly on the pole and moving it anticlockwise to remove it from the pin. Drop it carefully into the bowl.

Step 4

Hold the bowl handle and place your other hand at the front of the bowl. 

Step 5

Push the bowl slowly while lifting the handle to disattach the bowl from the side, locating pins.

Step 6

Pull the bowl away from the mixer.

2. Bowl-Lift Stand Mixer:

The bowl-lift model has two side tabs that fit over locating pins on a U-shaped bowl support assembly

Step 1

Unplug the KitchenAid Bowl-lift mixer after turning off.

Step 2

Move the bowl lift handle into the down position to lower the bowl.

Step 3

Disattach the mixer from the beater shaft by pushing it slightly on the pole and moving it anticlockwise to remove it from the pin. Drop it carefully into the bowl.

Step 4

Hold the bowl handle and place your other hand at the front of the bowl. 

Step 5

Push the bowl slowly while lifting the handle to disattach the bowl from the side, locating pins.

Step 6

Pull the bowl away from the mixer.


How To Remove A Stuck KitchenAid Bowl

Your bowl sometimes is stuck because of the reasons described above. Below are the ways of removing it:

  • Use a damp cloth and wrap it around the base of the bowl. Let it be there for at most 10 minutes before you remove it. The Mixing bowl will cool down; contracting and pulling it out will be very easy.
  • Spray or smear the bottom of your mixing bowl with vegetable oil. Leave it for a few minutes, and the bowl will get out quickly. Always clean the mixer base of the bowl before and after use to prevent food residue from adding up, thus making it difficult to remove the bowl.

Final Thoughts

Fantastic that your worries and anxiety are now complete with this guide. Once you are stuck, go through these procedures, and you will be able to remove your bowl from the mixer.