How to extinguish chafing fuel?

How to extinguish chafing fuel?

When hosting a party, i.e., dinner party, or running a catering company, you will notice that chafing fuel is vital for keeping food warm.

A chafing fuel, usually placed under a chafing dish, is a fuel used to serve hot food. Usually, chafing fuel is made up of easy heat, which is a safe way to transfer heat to chafing dishes.

Like other open flames, chafing fuel needs to be handled appropriately to avoid accidental burns or other injuries. It is composed of ethanol, diethylene glycol, and methanol, which may be safely burned indoors and produce soot.

How to put out chafing fuel( Extinguishing Process)

Chafing fuel exists in varieties. They are available in solid, liquid, or wick and gel. Canned chafing fuel is the most common since it offers a friendly environment safe for warming food. Furthermore, it has clean-burning energy that does not emit carbon monoxide.

Extinguishing a chafing fuel also varies depending on which type you are using. When extinguishing a wick chafing fuel, First, you blow out the flame to extinguish it. Let the wick sufficiently cool after it has been destroyed. Do not touch or damage the wick after use.

On the other hand, when using a gel fuel, you can kill the flame using a cap as a snuffer. Ensure that you place your hand over the lid when opening the can.

Flip the cap and slip it over the can opening to extinguish the flame. Remove the canister after it has cooled completely and replace the cap.

Remember that you should not carry the can while using gel fuel since they become hot over time. In addition, you should not blow out the flame compared to wick fuel. However, you can use a nonflammable object, i.e., a saucer, to put out the flame.

Always extinguish the chafing fuel at the end of the event by using a proper tool such as a regulator, snuffer, etc.

Take into account that chafing fuel is not restricted for use in chafing dishes. However, different types of chafing fuel are perfect for fondue, coffee urns, and outdoor cooking.

Can you cook with chafing fuel?

As much as chafing fuel is designed to keep food warm, you should never use it for cooking foods since it produces a relatively lower heat output, resulting in shorter cooking times.

Cooking requires a lot of heat output because heating food destroys microorganisms and other harmful bacteria, making the food safe to eat, and digestion easily takes place.

Cooking generally improves the flavor and odor of the food, making it enjoyable to eat.

How to light chafing fuel

When lighting a chafing fuel, remove the lid, place the tin in the chafing dish fuel holder, and expose the wick to flame. However, place it into the fuel holder in the chafing dish when using gel fuel. Carefully light the fuel by touching the match or lighter next to the exposed gel.

You should use long-handle matches or butane lighters and not small lighters or matches during lighting.

When lighting wick fuels, ensure adequate space between the heated object, i.e., the pan and the product.

Always rinse off your hands after handling the chafing fuel to remove any fuel residue that may be left on your skin.

Remember that you should never heat chafing fuels directly on the table or tablecloths.

Always place the fuel in the area you desire before lighting it. Once the fuel has been lit, it should not be moved or lifted to the desired area.

It would be best if you put away things such as paper and clothing from active chafing fuel, and someone should be keeping an eye on the fuel at all times.

It would be best never to touch the gel chafing fuel when lit since it becomes immensely hot as the flame burns down into the chafing can.

How to open safe heat chafing fuel

A safe heat chafing fuel exists in recyclable containers and is very easy to open. It has an easy pull-off screw present on the container and also has a put-on screw which allows convenient sealing and reopening of the container.

A safe heat chafing is nonflammable, and as a result, it is considered a safer option than gel chafing fuel and will only burn with a wick. In addition, it also keeps food hot and safe for up to 6 hours.

How long does chafing fuel burn

Generally, chafing fuel has a burn time ranging from 45 minutes to 6 hours.

As mentioned earlier, chafing fuels are available in solid, liquid, or wick and gel. They have different burnt times, i.e., ethanol gel chafing fuel takes 2 hours, same with Olympia liquid chafing fuel, while solid chafing fuel takes 3 hours.

Choosing the best chafing fuel with a burn time long enough to last the duration of the event might be a bit hectic; however, you can consider the following;

  • Flame; Is it wide width or medium width?
  • Shelf life; checking the shelf life is crucial as it ensures the safety and quality of the product.
  • Heat; how hot is the heat? Is it very hot or the hottest?
  • Net weight; Enables you to make informed purchase decisions
  • Where is it mainly used? Is it banquet services, more extended events, etc.?

I would advise you to take your time and carefully select a chafing fuel that is suitable for your needs. In addition, it’s essential to know the duration the occasion is expected to last to prevent the need for changing the chafing fuel during the event.

Final thoughts

Chafing fuels are environmentally friendly since it has zero poisonous emissions. In addition, they produce minimal soot, and as a result, they can be used indoors.

They are stored in small cans, which are portable, and as a result, they are easier to carry to the location of the event.

Its clean-burning fuel makes it safe for warming food in chafing dishes used to display food in buffets, catered events, or parties. Choose your desired chafing fuel and treat your guests to delicious cuisines.